Coast Chamber Affiliation
Mississippi Gulf Coast Chamber of Commerce is a membership organization comprised of businesses in Harrison County and throughout South Mississippi. Through a partnership among the Biloxi, Gulfport, Long Beach, and Pass Christian Chambers of Commerce, Coast Chamber promotes community and economic development on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.
The Biloxi Chamber of Commerce is a member of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Chamber of Commerce. This organization was formed in 1988 in order to unite the coast’s individual communities into one unified voice. Currently, there are four member chambers of the Coast Chamber, they are: Biloxi Chamber, Gulfport Chamber, Long Beach Chamber, and the Pass Christian Chamber.
Each of these chambers has its own program of work, as each organization represents a unique part of the entire MS Gulf Coast. At the same time however, the chambers are united through their affiliation with the Coast Chamber. This allows them to have a stronger voice when tackling issues that affect the entire MS Gulf Coast. While each community along the MS Gulf Coast is indeed unique, members of the Coast Chamber of Commerce agree that joining together and focusing on our similarities is what makes us strong.
When a new member joins one of the area chambers, he or she is considered a member of the entire Coast Chamber. The Coast Chamber operates as the parent company, existing to support the individual chambers. The Coast Chamber also sponsors various committees that are made up of representatives of each area chamber. These committee’s tackle broad issues that affect the entire Gulf Coast while the area chambers and their committees work on projects and issues within their own communities.